Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MEET DAVE - Comedy (2008) ***REVIEW***

Aliens have come to earth, and when i say aliens i mean miniature humans (yes how imaginative) controlling a normal human body (think nano-technology). Their mission to earth is of great importance, yet something of greater importance arises which changes everything. Love. (ooh how cheesy).

The film is a comedy, and unfortunately that's about all it offers (and not much at that). There were plenty of times where i felt it dragged and not much happened. The laughs are quite good at times and Eddie Murphy, acting as a robot, does pull it off somewhat, even though the acting is stale at times (he is a robot after all). Overall it only offered a couple of laughs, not nearly enough for a full blown comedy film, some parts were extremely slow and the acting was like old bread at times (Eddie was much better in Doolittle, Norbit etc) .

Pros - Some fairly good laughs provided mostly from Dave Ming Cheng (Eddie Murphy) a couple at best. The idea of little aliens inside a robot of human form is pretty cool idea, but a good idea does not necessarily make a good film.

Cons - Maybe its just me but i didn't find this movie that funny, it is supposed to be a comedy after all and apart from the scarce moments of humour there were in this film there wasn't much else going on except for the ending. It picks up fairly well but after the learning to live like a human stage it goes from bad to worse. Not recommended watching, perhaps a good movie to rent the kids during the holidays or something but that's about it.

2/5 Jandals = You will feel sorry for the cast after watching this.

Watch the trailer for 'Meet Dave' Here


Joshua said...

i still love eddie's older films like beverly hills cops and all. way much better than his whole one man show - with him playing multiple characters kinda films. Kinda kills much of the stage chemistry between characters ..

oh and there's a new beverly hills cops movie coming around soon. if i'm not wrong.

the review kiwi said...

yes very true...loved him in beverly hills, this character just didnt suit him, think he needs to choose his scripts better lol. Will have to watch out for that should be a laugh watchin beverly hills again ! :)

Unknown said...

I don't think many of Eddie's movies are going well anymore..

By the way, if you want to know where those photos were taken, you'd better head back and read the post.. I spent a substantial amt of time putting in links to the area, maps etc... Victoria, BC is the area...

Thanks for stopping by...

the review kiwi said...

Will do! And will check the links out, just didnt know the country, lol (embarasing). Looks awesome though! Take care

Anonymous said...

i like......

the review kiwi said...

Yea, and about eddie, sorta feel sorry for him...but he does pic what movies hes in i guess.. Like joshua said, he was awesome in bev cops, lets hope he will star in the upcoming :)