Sunday, November 2, 2008

THE PROMOTION - Comedy (2008) ***REVIEW***

Two assistant managers of a grocery store compete against each other to see who will be the next big manager of a new opening store.

What a flop this film was! After all isn't a comedy supposed to be funny? I could count the number of laughs on one hand and that is being generous. The story could have been so much more and although i did try fishing for laughs, even then they didn't come about. Besides these facts the movie also seems to rip-off 'Employee Of The Month' quite a tad so fails in terms of coming up with something new or unique. It was fairly average at the start and seemed to get worse as the film progressed. It was one of those films where you just want to fast forward bit by bit to speed it up. A fairly boring movie probably not even worth the DVD rental unless you are a fan of Seann William Scott or John Reilly.

Pros - Not much that come to mind, a few laughs at best. The acting is fairly good and although not too funny they do provide the audience with some interesting characters. My mind is fairly blank about what else was good, this movie was just plain boring, grey is the colour i associate with this movie.

Cons - Just a boring movie, acting fairly mediocre, plot and story dragged a lot and seemed to be extremely hollow, a cheap knock-off of 'Employee Of The Month' which in itself wasn't even that great. I don't know how anyone could find this entertaining or even funny and unless your a major fan of some of the cast give this movie a wide berth.

1.5/5 Jandals = Would rather eat a whole onion than sit through this again

Watch the trailer for 'The Promotion' Here


jazz said...

Not nice? But I think I wana watch it. =)

the review kiwi said...

it wasnt too bad la, just not so funny but the story is ok. Not unwatchable but was boring for me :P