Sunday, October 12, 2008


We all love films, watching them at home or taking a trip to the cinema and we all react and act differently, even if ever so slightly, when watching movies. So i made a list of all the different kinds of movie goers i have encountered in my movie watching's, either at the cinema or a DVD with friends. I could only think of around 5 different kinds of which i had encountered, if you know of any other types leave a comment with your suggestion. So here are the 5 different kinds of movie goers in no particular order!

Mr/Mrs Silence - I have encountered a few of these, both at the movies and when watching a DVD with friends, they must have absolute silence throughout the entirety of the film, and any attempt to make a joke or ask a quick question is met with a fierce 'shhhh!' or even worse a blank stare blatantly ignoring your simple request.

Mr/Mrs Emotional - These are generally girls but i did cry once during the screening of Titanic when i was younger although nobody saw anything (i hope). These types are usually ok if they cry or sob quietly in a corner or something, unfortunately i have had the pleasure of being stuck in a cinema with 1 who was persistently sobbing and then wiping their tears and blowing their nose into a tissue. I didn't say anything as its rather mean telling someone to shut up when they are crying, complaining on here is more beneficial for both parties :)

Mr/Mrs Didn't Come To Watch The Film, But Irritate You Instead - These are possibly one of the worst kinds, usually made up of young teenage boys shining lasers everywhere or throwing popcorn/daggers from the back rows. Very rarely have i seen these types get kicked out or yelled at, most likely due to the fact that they use the darkness of the cinema along with the high ground to make positively identifying them tricky! Luckily most good movies have an age rating to filter out these annoyances!

Mr/Mrs Unimportant Phone Call/Txt - Another irritating type this one, have only ever met one from memory and he got stared at and told off by probably have the cinema! The calls are rarely about anything significant 'did you feed the cat?' type of thing and they usually talk extremely loud! Txting is also annoying, although not quite as bad, but the constant 'clicking' does get old fast while your trying to watch a movie.

Mr/Mrs Psychic - These people are either truly psychic, lucky or have watched the film before. Most often they ruin surprises, if they are loud enough, for most the cinema audience, if your watching a DVD with someone like this, keep calm and perhaps slip some laxatives into their coke so they can spend the rest of the movie in the toilet. These are possibly the worst of all movie goer types in that they can ruin an entire movie by bleating out the ending, or who dies or gets married etc etc.

I probably missed some out but luckily i have only encountered this many different kinds. The worst for me is a toss-up between annoying teenage boys throwing stuff at the back of your head, and morons ruining perfectly good movies by loudly saying the ending or other such vital information!


Joshua said...

haha! how apt!

true true there're such people...
but i've encountered a sixth kind, one, that right after an exciting scene in the movie, turns to you and says out loud ''OMG DID YOU JUST SEE THAT...THAT DID NOT HAPPEN!''

and the person repeats for every action scene in the movie...

the review kiwi said...

ROFL! im lucky to have not met that kind, lol... its like, 'duh, i AM watching this movie with you' hehe. Have a good day la :)