Tuesday, December 16, 2008

THE X-FILES - I WANT TO BELIEVE - Mystery/Sci-Fi (2008) ***REVIEW***

Mulder and Skully are back! This time following the psychic visions of a priest which may lead to the finding of a missing FBI agent.

Well this movie will certainly bore the socks off anyone who never really got into the whole 'X-Files' series, although if you are a fan of X-Files you will most likely enjoy this film. The thing is although i never really got obsessed over the original X-Files series i did enjoy watching them back when i was about 10 ish or so and with this in mind i was absolutely bored throughout the whole of this movie. I can presume that big fans of X-Files will enjoy this but not being one of them it will just be a presumption and may miss the fact that this movie is terrible from both the perspective of big fans and from casual movie goers. The acting is fairly good though and at times feels wasted on such a boring, non-supernatural and indeed non-X-Files script. I would really give this one a miss, unless of course your a big fan then go right ahead! If you must see this film please wait for the DVD release as to avoid wasting your hard earned money.

Pros - Good acting from most the main cast, Billy Connolly did a great performance with what he had to work with and added a bit of spice to the otherwise plain and dull script. All other aspects concerned, this wasn't the best film i had seen and am struggling to think of some more positives to note here, alas none are forthcoming.

Cons - Just plain boring, even the shocking events that unfold towards the end don't suffice enough and seem to be planted there merely for their shock value. Simply put poor script and plot and is just a painfully boring movie to watch. If your a big fan though i am presuming you will like this flick, but even i find hard to imagine anyone could sit through this and not find it a tad dull. I wanted to believe that i didnt waste my time watching this, lol.

1.5/5 Jandals = Excellent aid for those who have trouble sleeping

Watch the trailer for 'The X-Files - I Want To Believe' Here

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